Life is an instrument on which you play music for your soul.
This is the story of my greatest consert.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Leaving Bolzano

So, Ive spent about a week in bolzano now, Time to move on.

My body seems to think its a good idea to stay a while longer, got a sore throat, kind of feels like Im gonna catch a cold. But fresh air is good for you, so some hitchhiking will cure me.

Next goal will be Swizzerland and Basel. Will probably not arrive until tomorow, But Im actually looking forward to a rough trip, almost hoping I wont be offered a bed along the way....well, almost that is....

Been reading articles about traveling, contacting people, and a Great Plan for My Life is slowly taking form in my head. After reading the stories of some truly free people, I no longer see the point in living in one place, having realized that anything is possible, as long as you dont let CNN & co. scare you into bed. Time to crush some prejudices imposed by your regular newschanel!
  Well actually, no, Time to go home and prepare to crush some prejudices, my bag is incredibly stupid and also about to break in half.

Basel - bremen - lund - home. Thats the plan for now. Hoping to get out on my next trip within the month. Dont wanna get stuck in swedish winter!

Monday, October 4, 2010

words of wisdom!

a late-night update with some words of wisdom ive come to like during my travels. I have no clue who said what, so lets pretend I said it all! just for the fun of it:

"Life is like an instrument, on which you play music for your soul"
 I like this one really much! be shure to play something nice for yourself!

"All problems have a sollution. If something cant be solved, then its by definition not a problem and if it can be solved, well then its not gonna be a problem for long will it?"
Hey dont worry to much now allright? theres no real problems anyway!

hm..the idea was to fill half a page of nice quotes, butright now I cant think of any other..a well, such is life.

Missing stuff!

Its ironical how life sometime teaches you exactly what you dont want to know!

I´ve always wanted to proove to myself that material things just causes trouble for you, and that life is better without it. Now its starting to get cold here in the mountains, and I´m starting to think that my winterclothes would be a lot nicer to have than the shorts I´m carrying around now! and I cant help but thinking that in a month or two when snow starts falling, it would have been pretty rad if my snowboard where just a few thousand killometers further south from where it is now.....

I guess next time im leaving home for a one-week festival in warm country during the summer, I wont forget to pack warm clothes and my snowboard, just in case I end up traveling for a few months longer than planned! haha!

But everything works out fine, it seems that everybody is willing to help me out on my adventure, so I am now in the possession of a very classy suit, a pair of shoes with no holes in them (my previus shoes where more like holes with a littlebit of shoes around them to define where one whole ended and the next started!). I think paulo coelho said something about this whole thing sometime, cant remember his exact words, but something like "when you do what you really whant, deep in your heart, the entire universe works to help you succeed" I´m starting to think that he meant it litteraly!

But traveling is good, I think I will keep doing this for a while, maybe I go home for a short while and repack my bag and then set out again on a new adventure! But I am afraid that if I go back to sweden, I might end up being stuck in the winter, Its not fun to hitch-hike in minus 20 degrees!

Decisions to be made, doubts and confuision. These are the downsides of spontaneus travel! Better just to deal with them than ignore them, try to do what is best instead of what is easier, and try to stay clear on what I want to do, and what others want me to do, so I dont confuse the two. Easily done when mama asks me to come home and see her  =P

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So after a long inspiring stay in milan, I finaly decided the city was too expensive and without jobs!

so today I arrived in Bolzano! Just been introduced to some of filippos friends, and tomorrow I will go grape-picking! nice chanse to stretch my budget a bit, it was running a bit short now i think!

Hitchhiking is really good in italy btw. never buy traintickets here again! Hitchhike!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

giving up milano

Today Ive been walking around asking for jobs again. When one of the barowners asked me to write my email on a napkin I realised I will never get a job in milano without being fluent in italian, which I am quite far from being.

Martina seems to want some space of her own, so I think time has come for me to move on. Also this city is fucking expensive! hopefully one day I can return, but for now, Milano is not ready for me, or is it the other way around?

Anyways soon Ill be leaving for Bolzano and Filippo, the next good friend on the list =P After that I guess Switzzerland would be the logical destination.

Other than asking for jobs, ive picked upp drawing! Sketching statues in the antic castle of milan is turning into something of a favourite hobby. I am actually surprised by the quality of my drawings, I was expecting them to come out like stick figures posing like the statues, instead they look...whel better than stick figures at least! Unfortunatly I have no way of uploading pics of them here, that would be really fun otherwise. But you cant get it all I guess =P

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Job searching in a strange tounge

I love milano. It is official.

Rightnow spending my days looking for a job. Have gotten myself a Italian phonenumber, and are praying to god that someone will be calling me telling me in a language i dont understand that they wanna hire me, to serve custuomers to drinks they will be ordering in a language i dont understand.

Yes, I do feel a bit stupid sometimes. I hope I am as lucky as I am stupid. Ive heard that "luck favours the brave"

Hold you thumbs for me!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Lock,stock and 20 ruling nazis

Resieved mail from sweden today! Not only are they throwing people like me (the happy bunch who refuses to join the army) in prison, but now they also elected the Nazi-party into the parlament! ("only" 20 mandates, but still!) socialists has majority, but Rightwing fascists keep the power, funny how the biggest party is not the winner. A small step away from democracy, A giant step closer to the 3 reich.
I do feel a bit guilty for missing out on the election and not voting.

I aint going home, tomorow Ill go look for a job here in milano, hopefully I wont have to return to sweden until the government changed! I guess I could go back for a shorter while to pick up some stuff and move some other stuff and so on, i actually should. But I dont wanna cross  that border anymore. Except midsummer the only thing sweden had going was the nice political situation. Now we only have midsummer, which I will be bringing to Milano if I can!

haha its actually funny I am upset about the swedish nazi-party in government, when I am concidering moving to Italy. The swedish Nazis are nothing compared to Berloscouni, but its worrying that were going in this direction!
Italy, Denmark and Sweden makes 3 countries within the UN with nazis in government! even though calling sweden a nazi-country is more than a little bit of an overstatement, it is the overstatement I will use!

Mi amo Milano