Life is an instrument on which you play music for your soul.
This is the story of my greatest consert.

Friday, September 3, 2010


All adventures has a begining. This adventure began When I was on my way hom from a small Folklore-festival in sweden, Bingsjo-stamman for those who know it, when a good friend calls and asks me to follow him to Sziget in Budapest!

Ofcourse I agreed, I hessitating at first, but I just couldnt say no. In a way I owe Jonas Rydberg A lot or kicking my bum hard enough to it out of sweden!

Ill keep the begining short, becouse Im writing this several weeks into the adventure, and have much to tell and little time to do so.

It was early august when I started hitch-hiking south rom uppsala, the day before Uppsala Reggae actually. Got stuck on a gas station south of Stockholm, and was forced to spend the night in my tent, wich got wet beore I even got it standing, and with no sleepingmatress to sleep on, having my tent placed between a gasstation and the Highway, it was not the best of nights!

At 5am the next morning I got a ride to Norrkoping, where Sofi was waiting for my visit. Due to lack of time to write I will not say more than that it was a great couple of days, a nice last memory from sweden!

2 days after leaving Norrkoping I meet Rydberg in Malmo, at Tea Muholjiks apartment as random as that fate would have it, and we left for budapest. A long, crazy, and hungover traintrip later we arrive in Budapest.

The story of budapest is interesting enough, and I could probably start a blog just writing about all the stuff that happend there, all the people and all the party! but i wont. Once again time forces me to leave it at calling it a wonderfull week in the east.

I then went for the 3day journey west for Spain, Benicassim and Rototom! Now this is a story that deserves telling, so I will post it later when time is on my side.

The same will have to go for the entire Rototom Festival, but if i met nice people in Sziget, I dont know what to say about the Rototom people! I think I fell in love 5 times before the festival had even begun! Some of these loves I will visit on my long way home to sweden! Bremen Ye Be Warned!

After rototom it has been all Late Nights and early mornings! sleeping on beaches with a bunch of wonderfull people travleling together, playin music on the beach every night and cooking wonderull food to share, creating paradise around us whereever we go and then being waked up early in the mornings by the lokal police, and once even the spanish Mossos, the force they use in riots and such situations. And we where sitting drinking coffe and playing guitar when they came by! Maybe if i find the time i will write more detailed about everyting later on, but nothing bad has happend and its all just a funny story.

Now I am traveling north slowly with 2 french girls, and a whole bunch of german guys, from all over germany. Most of them from swizzerland actually, but the others are spread equally over the rest of germany!

My only plan att the moment is to keep going with this french/german people in the Van, untill they turn somewhere I dont want to go. Hotsprings in the French Catalan mountains and maybe a trip to Milano to visit Mama is priority!

Untill next time I have to say goodbye and much love to everyone from Barcelona!

Cheers! and oh, remember to "Look over there, Behind me"!

And to anyone who wants to comment, remember that this is a blog for my family as well, keep in mind that my mother will be reading this, and probably your comments as well, so...keep it clean please! Thanks

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